I have taught a variety of courses related to teacher education and undergraduate teaching assistant preparation at several Universities. I have experience teaching in-person, blended (some components online some in person), hybrid (in person with synchronous remote), and fully online courses.
Courses Taught
College Unbound (2023-present)
For context, College Unbound is a unique, innovative institution redefining higher education by prioritizing personalized learning and real-world application. Emphasizing social justice and equity, the institution integrates academic rigor with practical experience, preparing students—many of whom are adult learners or working professionals—to drive meaningful change in their communities and beyond. All of my teaching at College Unbound is done through virtual synchronous class meetings, as students are located in Providence, Rhode Island or Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Next Generation Science in Elementary Classrooms (SCI291, 3 credits): This course explores the principles of science education along with appropriate methodology, skills, pedagogy, and theory needed to begin teaching science in the elementary classroom. Students, who are future teacher candidates, participate in discussions, lectures, readings, hands-on activities, demonstrations, group activities, lab assignments, and assessments. The course is specifically designed to help candidates develop an understanding and appreciation of motivational, hands-on, inquiry based science teaching that will help children acquire knowledge, attitudes, and skills essential to science literacy.
Food Justice (SCI290, 4 credits): This course is an introduction to the concept of wasted food and different aspects of the food system. I built this course myself as part of my work on the RECIPES project, funded by NSF Grant #2115405. In the course, we examine the complex problem of wasted food from sociocultural, health, technological, agricultural, environmental, economic, and political lenses to propose solutions aligned with food justice activism. As part of the course, students complete projects where they are actively involved in reducing wasted food in their community (e.g., school, workplace, neighborhood).
American University (2022-present)
Teaching Science in the Elementary School (EDU456, 3 credits) This course is a science methods course that pre-service teachers take during their final semester of coursework before beginning full-time student teaching the following semester. Through engaging in and reflecting on hands-on, inquiry-based science activities, students in the course develop subject background knowledge and teaching strategies in line with the Next Generation Science Standards and the new vision for K-12 science education.
Science & Engineering Disciplinary Core in the Elementary Classroom (EDU351, 3 credits): This course is a science content course designed to prepare future elementary school teachers to address science equity and teach science and engineering in a way that is aligned with the Next Generation Science Standards. The course focuses on science and engineering disciplinary core ideas and practices, including concepts in life, physical, and earth science as well as principles of engineering design. The course is problem-based and justice-oriented, in that it focuses significantly on equity, inclusion, and representation in science, science's place within our broader society, stereotypes and limiting beliefs about science, and science as a key to integrated multidisciplinary elementary education.
Psychology of Education (EDU420, 3 credits): This course is an education major requirement and upper-level elective for a variety of students interested in how we learn, why we learn, and the individual and systemic factors that support or hinder learning. In this course students describe and apply the core concepts of educational psychology and critically evaluate the role of individual, institutional, and cultural factors in learning. Students conduct a self-designed mini inquiry project on a topic of their choice and create a resource based on their findings for an audience of their choice in a method of their choice. The course is designed to explicitly model the different learning principles and theories that are covered.
The Catholic University of America (2021-2022)
Curriculum and Instruction (EDUC312, 3 credits): This introductory methods course is a requirement of the Early Childhood and Elementary Education program. Pre-service teachers are introduced to all aspects of lesson planning and unit planning, including essential questions, alignment of standards to objectives and assessments, student engagement through questioning and motivational strategies, and differentiating instruction to meet the needs of diverse learners. Students in the course write reflections on teaching observations, practice teaching brief activities, and write complete lesson and unit plans.
Teaching Early Childhood and Elementary Science, Health & Physical Education (EDUC3213 credits): This discipline-specific methods course course supports early childhood and elementary pre-service teachers' science lesson and unit plan development, while integrating health, physical education, mathematics, and english language arts. Through engaging in and reflecting on hands-on, inquiry-based science activities, students in the course develop subject background knowledge and teaching strategies in line with the Next Generation Science Standards and the new vision for K-12 science education.
George Washington University (2016-2020)
Instructional Models and Classroom Management (CPED6507, 3 credits): Over four summers I taught this foundational course for the M.Ed. program in Secondary Education to students from various content areas. The course focused on development of Project Based Learning and Inquiry unit plans, while integrating practices of attention to student thinking, professional critique, reflection, and craftsmanship.
University of Maryland (2014-2020)
Teaching and Learning in the Life Sciences (BSCI329, 1 credit): I designed and led this seminar to guide and support undergraduate teaching assistants for a life sciences living learning program. In the course, students develop a greater understanding of teaching and learning in the life sciences by exploring education research and theory, discussing learning strategies and techniques, and reflecting on their practice.
Pedagogy and Instruction in Chemistry (CHEM391, 1 credit): In conjunction with Organic Chemistry professor, I designed and led a course to prepare undergraduate learning assistants to facilitate group problem solving sessions in Organic Chemistry.
Interdisciplinary Teaching in the Middle Grades (EDCI413, 2 credits): I co-taught this 2-credit course during a fall semester, and then revised the existing course curriculum to teach a 3 week long condensed blended online and in-person course during the subsequent winter semester. The course focused on interdisciplinary teaching, social and emotional development of middle level learners, instructional methods, student centered discourse, and assessment approaches.
Students in the University: Integrated Life Sciences (HLSC100, 1 credit): I coordinated this introduction to the university course for first year students in the Integrated Life Sciences living learning program. I designed the curriculum, which focused on successful integration to university life as well as three important facets of the life sciences: social determinants of health, sustainability, and STEM education. I also coordinated multiple service learning opportunities that students participated in throughout the semester as a requirement for the course.
Fundamentals of Academic Peer Mentoring (TLTC333, 1 credit): I helped to redesign and co-teach this blended course for undergraduate peer mentors that support student learning in a variety of roles in courses and programs across the university. The course mostly consists of online modules to introduce the peer mentors to the scholarship of teaching and learning, and meets in person several times over the course of the semester for small group discussions. Peer mentors also create a portfolio of teaching activities and professional development.