I have published research on a variety of teaching and learning related topics, in a range of peer-reviewed journals. I have published articles with scholars who specialize in Biology, Chemistry, Physics, and Astronomy, as well as Science and Mathematics Teacher Education. I believe that education research benefits tremendously from cross-disciplinary, collaborative approaches and ideas.
My goal through conducting and publishing research on teaching and learning is to provide insights that others can use to design and study similar teaching innovations. I believe it is important to share instructional innovations through published research, so that others can build off of what has been successful as well as learn from what has been challenging.
Peer Reviewed Journal Articles & Proceedings
Jardine, H., & Frome, G. (2024). Undergraduate Teaching and Learning Assistants Provide Feedback as Part of a Formative Assessment System. Journal of College Science Teaching, 1–9.
Cooke, T. J., Jensen, J. S., Carleton, K. L., Hall, K. L., Jardine, H. E., Kent, B. W., ... & Shultz, J. W. (2023). Group Active Engagements for Facilitating Principles-Based Learning in Introductory Organismal Biology. The American Biology Teacher, 85(6), 317-326.
Jardine, H. E., Frome, G., & Campbell Griffith, E. (2023). Partnering with students to redesign an introductory chemistry laboratory course: An exploration of the process and implications. International Journal for Students As Partners, 7(1), 161–171.
Byrne, V.L., Jardine, H.E., Williams, A.Y., & Donlan, A.E. (2022). Academic peer mentorship as a leadership development experience: Fostering leadership self-efficacy. Journal of Leadership Education, 21(1).
Jardine, H. E., Pafe, D., Burns, J., & Feeley, J. (2021). Layered perspectives: Students’ experiences with three levels of partnership. International Journal for Students As Partners, 5(2), 162–168.
Jardine, H. E. (2020). Positioning undergraduate teaching and learning assistants as instructional partners. International Journal for Students As Partners, 4(1), 48-65.
Jardine, H. E. (2020). Integrating partnership into an academic peer mentoring program: Moving from a focus on student training to a focus on building student-instructor connections. Teaching and Learning Together in Higher Education, 1, (29).
Jardine, H.E., Levin, D. M., Quimby, B., & Cooke, T. (2017). Collaborative learning in an undergraduate life sciences living-learning program: Case studies at multiple planes of analysis. Learning Communities Journal, 9, 75-106. PDF
Jardine, H. E., & Friedman, L. A. (2017). Using Undergraduate Facilitators for Active Learning in Organic Chemistry: A Preparation Course and Outcomes of the Experience. Journal of Chemical Education,
Jardine, H.E., Levin, D.M., Quimby, B.B., & Cooke, T.J. (2017, May/June). Group active engagement (GAE) exercises: Pursuing the recommendations of Vision and Change in an introductory undergraduate science course. Journal of College Science Teaching, 46, (5), 20-25. PDF
Turpen, C., Olmstead, A., & Jardine, H. E. (2016, July 20-21). A case of physics faculty engaging in pedagogical sense-making. 2016 Physics Education Research Conference Proceedings (PER Conference, Sacramento, CA, 2016), 356-359. PDF
Cooke, T.J., Quimby, B.B., Horvath, N.F., Jardine, H.E., & Levin, D.M. (2016). Integrated Life Sciences (ILS): A new honors living-learning program at the University of Maryland. Honors in Higher Education 1, 1-30.
Book Chapters
Stewart. M., Jardine, H.E., & Ascunce, A. (2024). Building community with (virtual) informal meet-ups for instructors. In D. Chapman & M. Bartlett (Eds.) Faculty development on a shoestring: Programs to support higher education faculty using little or no resources. (pp. 173-190). Information Age Publishing.
Jardine, H. E., Levin, D.M., & Cooke, T.J. (2020). Group active engagement in introductory biology: The role of undergraduate teaching and learning assistants. In J. J. Mintzes & E.M. Walter (Eds.). Active learning in college science: The case for evidence-based practice. (pp. 451-466). Springer Nature.
Levin, D.M., Chumbley, A.K., Jardine, H.E., Grosser-Clarkson, D., & Elby, A. (2018). Professed vs. enacted beliefs about responsive science teaching: Three cases from a practice-based middle level teacher certification program. In P. B. Howell, S. A. Faulkner, J. P. Jones, & J. Carpenter (Eds.). Preparing middle level educators for 21st Century Schools: Enduring beliefs, changing times, evolving practices. Information Age Publishing.
Additional Contributions
Agarwalla, V., Davis, L., Duhart Benavides, E., RECIPES Network (2024). Guiding Principles and Community Norms. RECIPES. Report.
Jardine, H., Frome, G., Sattler, A., Parker-Hill, K. Dioneda, M., Smith, N. Saeed, Q., & Mathews, R. (2024) "It's not us versus them": The importance of partnering with students.
Jardine, H., Horan, E., Frome, G., & Amiscaray, I. (2022). Reflecting on reflection: Meta-midsemester course analysis results from CTRL. The CTRL Beat.
Gannon, C. Ascunce, A., Jardine, H., McRae, A., Smetheram, H., & Stewart, M. (2021, September 17). CORE principles of effective teaching: Emerging from the pandemic as better educators. Faculty Focus.
Jardine, H.E. (2018, October 3). The Impact of Researcher Identity and Positionality. University of Maryland GradTerp Forum.