
Facilitating  an in-person workshop at the University of Maryland, September 2019

Working one-on-one with the President of The Catholic University of America, John Garvey, to train him on the use of the hybrid classroom technology to support simultaneous in-person and remote student learning, January 2021

Teaching & Learning Specialist, September 2021-present

Center for Teaching, Research, & Learning, American University, Washington, DC

At AU's CTRL, I support faculty development through facilitating pedagogical training workshops, conducting one-on-one consultations, developing resources and programming, and collaborating with campus partners, all around topics related to inclusive and excellent teaching. I have led the creation, management, and assessment of unique, transformational, brand new programs to AU, such as the Course Design Institute and the Student Partners Program. I also supervise the graduate assistants working with the Teaching & Learning team and facilitate team event planning.

Instructional Coach, August 2020-September 2021

Center for Teaching Excellence, The Catholic University of America, Washington, DC 

As the COVID-19 pandemic highlighted an increased need for instructor support, I started in a newly created position as an Instructional Coach at the Center for Teaching Excellence. Fully remotely, I supported faculty and graduate student instructors through consultations, long-term coaching relationships, interactive presentations, informal meetups, and development and distribution of online resources. I also coordinated our Center's Faculty Fellowship program, managed the Center's internal assessment and reporting processes, and facilitated conversations to develop the Center's initial strategic plan.

Post-Doctoral Associate for Faculty Programs, May 2019-August 2020

Teaching and Learning Transformation Center, University of Maryland, College Park, MD        

At the Teaching and Learning Transformation Center (TLTC), I supported faculty, graduate student, and undergraduate student development in teaching through managing several programs, including a year-long intensive course redesign faculty learning community and a rapidly expanding undergraduate academic peer mentor program. I regularly facilitated pedagogical training workshops and retreats and conducted one-on-one observations and consultations. I also supported research on the effectiveness of TLTC's programs and helped instructors across campus conduct research on their own teaching innovations.

Faculty Programs Coordinator, May 2017-May 2019

Teaching and Learning Transformation Center, University of Maryland, College Park, MD        

As the Faculty Programs Coordinator for the Teaching and Learning Transformation Center (TLTC), I supported faculty teaching development through managing several faculty-facing programs. My main role was to manage the Elevate Fellows year-long faculty learning community (FLC) designed to support faculty in redesigning courses to incorporate more evidence-based, student-centered instruction. 

I filled various additional roles to support faculty, graduate student, and undergraduate student development. I managed the Faculty Launch Program, a self-paced customizable series of professional development activities to help faculty advance their teaching and collect evidence of effectiveness. I also led and co-led workshops to support faculty and graduate students in their teaching. Lastly, I conducted one-on-one consultations and teaching observations with faculty and graduate students.

Writing Fellow, August 2018-May 2019

Graduate School Writing Center, University of Maryland

As a Writing Fellow, I provided writing support and coaching during one-on-one consultations with graduate students. I consulted with both Master’s and Doctoral level graduate students, across disciplines, on a variety of writing assignments, including cover letters and personal statements, course papers, grants, and dissertations. Through my position, I received training on best practices for supporting writing development, with a focus on differences in writing across the disciplines and working with international students. 

Lesson Coach, Jan 2016-May 2018

Terrapin Teachers, University of Maryland, College Park, MD

Terrapin Teachers is a program designed to engage math and science undergraduate students in beginning teaching experiences, with the goal to increase the number of highly qualified instructors in STEM subjects. As a lesson coach, I supported the program part time by conducting observations of students and providing guidance during preparatory class sessions. About five times a semester, I observed undergraduate students team teaching science and mathematics lessons in local elementary and middle schools. I provided constructive feedback verbally and through detailed evaluation documents. A few times a semester, I advised and provide feedback to undergraduate students during lesson plan development workshop sessions as well as practice lesson presentations. 

Student Teaching Intern Supervisor, Aug 2016-May 2019

College of Education, University of Maryland, College Park, MD

As a student teaching intern supervisor, I observed secondary science undergraduate and masters candidates in their full time teaching internship in order to provide support and written and oral feedback on their planning and teaching. Over my years as a supervisor I worked with 8 different pre-service teachers that I observed four times each semester. I led observation follow up discussions and consulted with interns about lesson planning. I also completed performance based assessments and foundational competency evaluations that the interns could use as a reflection tool to improve their practice.

Graduate Assistant, Aug 2014-June 2016

Integrated Life Sciences Honors Program, University of Maryland, College Park, MD

As the graduate assistant for University of Maryland’s Integrated Life Sciences honors living learning program, my main role was to conduct ongoing program assessment by collecting and analyzing qualitative and quantitative data on one cohort of 54 students through all aspects of the two-year program, including ethnographic observations, course observations, interviews, focus groups and surveys. I presented my research at several different conferences and published a paper in the Journal of College Science Teaching as well as the Learning Communities Journal. As the graduate assistant, I also performed administrative tasks such as record keeping and planning and coordinating social events and service learning. I coordinated HLSC100, the program’s one credit introductory course, and co-created and administered a new training course for the undergraduate section leaders. In May 2016, I was awarded the Undergraduate Studies Graduate Assistant Staff Award as recognition for my dedication to the program.

Educational Assistant for Student Athletes, August 2014-May 2015

Academic Support and Career Development Unit, University of Maryland, College Park, MD      

As an educational assistant, I worked with approximately 15 different student athletes per semester, most of which were first-year students. During mandatory daily study hall sessions, I helped student athletes develop and implement short and long-term goals as well as cognitive strategies, academic skills, and self-sufficient behaviors such as time management, note taking, and organization. I worked alongside the athletes’ academic advisors to develop academically at-risk athletes into independent learners.